Data Sources

Moxy uses two delegates to request data for a report.  These delegates need to be set before using the ReportBuilder to build a report.  They can either be set once and refer to static functions, or they can be set per ReportQuery and refer to a instance of another class.


This delegate is used to load data associated with a dataSource.



The details of the data source that is being loaded.  The dataSouce has a number of parameters which can be specified in the XML and can then be used to load the appropriate data.  These parameters are: Source, Select and For.


This stores contextual information about the logged in user, or account.  Example:

var accountId = context.GetContext<Guid>(“AccountId”);


The query that is being executed.  Report option values can be loaded from the query using query.GetReportOptionValue(id, default).  Data can be added to the Report using query.Report.AddSubjectData(...)


This delegate is used to load data associated with a report option. For example, an option may provide a list of customer names which need to be populated from the database.



The option that data is being loaded for.  The option XML will specify a data attribute, which can be accessed using option.OptionTypeCode.

The option has a list of ReportOptionItems, each of which have a key and a value.


This stores contextual information about the logged in user, or account.  Example:

var accountId = context.GetContext<Guid>(“AccountId”);


The query that is being executed.  Report option values can be loaded from the query using query.GetReportOptionValue(id, default).  Data can be added to the Report using query.Report.AddSubjectData(...)


public class ReportService


   public static void GetReportQueryData(ReportOption option, ReportContext context, ReportQuery query)

   { ... }

   public static void GetReportData(ReportOption option, ReportContext context, ReportQuery query)

   { ... }


ReportBuilder.DataSourceCallback =

        new ReportBuilder.GetDataSourceCallback(ReportService.GetReportData);

ReportBuilder.ReportOptionsCallback =

        new ReportBuilder.GetReportOptionsCallback(ReportService.GetReportQueryData);

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