Report Gallery

In order for Moxy to provide navigation between reports, all available reports (including drilldown reports) must be registered in the report gallery.

There are two ways to register reports:

XML Gallery

The simplest way of managing a report gallery is to maintain an XML gallery file along with your report definitions.  This gallery file can then be registered using the following command:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


 <group name="Traffic Reports">

   <report id="TrafficSummary" name="Traffic Summary" filename="TrafficSummary.xml" />

   <report id="TrafficSources" name="Traffic Sources" filename="TrafficSources.xml" />




If reports are to be loaded from a database, then each report must be registered individually using the following command:

ReportGallery.RegisterReport(reportCode, reportName, reportFilename);

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